Thursday, June 10, 2010


Jon - Founder, can do anything but usually drives combine, fixes things, communicates with the farmers, and tries to keep everything organized. He has always dreamed of doing this and farming. Jon has been handling all of the stress of starting / running a business very well, he has a level head, makes good decisions, and is good at dealing with people. I am very proud of Jon!


  1. You are a very nice kid. You sure do look different with your hair like that. Glad you're busy and having quite an adventure. Take care.

  2. Glad to hear you're handling all the bumps in the road nicely. I'm sure it can be quite stressful at times. Looks like you have a good group of hardworking guys/gal working with you on your dream come true. Enjoy it while it last and have fun working hard at accomplishing it. I have two little boys here that really enjoys seening the pictures of you guys/machinery Holly posts on here. They look at their Tractor House you gave them before you left at meal times too.(daily) It's so cute:) Take care and have fun!! Look forward to seeing you in July.
    Love you guys:)
    Baby Mama

  3. Don't know who wrote the 1st comment. I got the 2nd one though ;) I will have to tell Jon to check this and read these too. Thanks for the encouragemen and we miss you guys too! can't wait to see you all, the picture you sent Andy was great, brought tears to our eyes. sometimes home seems so far away! Nathan ready to come along? I bet he could drive grain cart pretty soon :)
    take care, love you all so much!
