Thursday, June 10, 2010


Holly - Co-Founder, part and errand getter, combine or grain cart fill-in driver, helps out getting the machines going in the mornings, cook, laundress, bookkeeper, online marketing specialist (haha). I am adjusting to this temporary all-male lifestyle, it can be difficult at times but a lot of fun also.


  1. Hey Girl! You are doing a great job with your blog. I really enjoy checking it out to see how it's going. Really enjoy the pictures too the boys enjoy looking at them, they get all excited... it's kinda cute. Don't let all those males push you around. Make sure you keep them in line.(hehe) It sounds like you have a great group of guys with ya. Enjoy all the good times and memories you guys make even the bad things make good memories on a trip, later on. Take care and don't get heatstroke. Look forward to seeing you soon!
    Love you guys:)
    Baby Mama

  2. Thank you! I am really glad the boys like the pictures, I have to get more on here.
    Some days are hard, just so different. but the guys have been great. we are all in this together. trying to keep everyone hydrated!

  3. I found your BLOG!!
