Monday, July 19, 2010

Heading out once again

Well the wedding weekend is over. We had a fun time, the wedding was beautiful and now it is time to hit the road once again. We have a whole pile of food to load up and take out along with all our clothes once again which we had brought home to wash (the machine at home doesn't take quarters!) Andy & Dan left earlier this morning in the Tauras, we got the tranny re-built while I was home last week so it should be good to go for a long time. Jon has to locate a couple parts for the semis and so we can't leave until he can get ahold of the places to see if they are in stock.
Here are some pictures of the past week:
Laura and I spent a couple days weeding the gardens at mom's...

Fun time decorating the hall for the reception :)

The circus is coming! No, wait, Danny & Tricia's wedding getting setup on the hill!

The hay bale setup crew

Brothers: Jon & Danny

Family on the Melchert side.

Jon thought it was good to be home for a few days too - look at all this food!

The rest of the crew out in N.East CO are done with the 1400 or so acres, all the fields were within 10 miles of each other, so not a lot of moving which was nice. Some hauling grain to the farmers bins. When we get out there we'll get all the billing straightened out and settled up. From there we don't have any acres lined up just yet, so we'll be doing some driving, talking, and advertising again. Hope we'll be in the right places at the right times again.

It was so nice to come home for a few days and be a part of the wedding festivities. It was good to get re-charged for the 2nd 1/2 of the summer on the wheat harvest. Being around all of our loving family and friends whether it be in blood and guts splattered clothes butchering chickens or cleaned up and in a dress at a wedding has been just wonderful. I have always felt thankful for what I have, but even more so now I am just thankful for where I live and all of the great people in my life.

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